Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Giving Change the Cold Shoulder

Every now and then things in my lil 'ol life change and I am pretty excited about it. For example, I am thoroughly excited that our weather is finally starting to cool . . . in the mornings and late evenings. I mean, who wouldn't be excited that we can enjoy a few hours in the pre-100s before 10am and after 8pm? And that cooling signifies fall decor. I'm a sucker for orange leaves. And, of course, I am thrilled that in a couple of weeks Brock's preschool starts and that means I'm back to the gym in the mornings. Seriously, I am mostly because I definitely will NOT complain about less jiggle and flab hanging out over the top of my jeans once I change our routine. Frankly, my floppiness is something we will ALL enjoy not having to be a part of. Finally, I bought a few new things on our annual trip to Swiss days and I've been excited to get some new around-the-house decorating projects worked on . . . all to change it up a bit. Just kinda get tired of looking at the same things day after day. Ya know? So, yeah, I KNOW change is good. And even when I KNOW change is good, sometimes it makes me sad.

I don't really want to belabor and whine my life away about what I struggle with, and part of my struggles should be kept a little on the down low for a bit, so I will just share a few thoughts I've recently had. Sometimes change is thrust upon me or those I love with no warning. Or, perhaps the warning signs of change-a-comin' have been there and I have purposefully ignored them. I dunno, but I do think there is a mourning process that comes along with saying good-bye to the past. Because Tyler's new job endeavor has taken us to lands unknown, I've been discovering all sorts of new aspects and mourning my comfy past. And even though I know I've had the same WONDERFUL church calling for 4 years, I am now wishing it could go on forever even though I know the changes can/may be just as blessing-filled. I have several friends whose lives have been dramatically changed and as I feel and see those changes start to eek their effects into my own life, I want to give it a good 'ol fashioned ARMADILLO position. Ya know, the covering of all sensitive areas and throwing a tough outer shell kind of a move? Not that it makes anything any different, the changes are inevitable and usually out of my control, but nonetheless I still struggle with the whole thing.

I need to get on this change ship that is sailing by with many of my loved ones, but some days I feel like I should be the dramatic, armed-crossed, back-to-the-ship, refusing to leave the dock kind of person. And yet, I will be REALLY bummed to hear of all the good adventures and lessons learned and trials overcome by those who climbed, crawled, or were forced onboard of this looming change vessel. I guess it's time to get my sea legs ready . . .


Dylan Todd said...

A wiser man than I suggested that, when confronted by change, that you "turn and face the strain." Good advice, that.

Molly said...

I hear ya...have you ever read the small book "Who Moved My Cheese?" It is about accepting change. I like it.

Kathy said...

What is Tyler's new job endeavor? Change can be hard, but usually leads to growth.

Anne of Green Barlows said...

I hear you on this one! I am starting a new adventure myself and moving out of Utah to go back to was stressing me out until I started to look at it as a "cleansing" life change instead of a "drastic" life change. Now, I am excited for a new adventure when I know that I can leave the old adventure with happy memories. Sometimes I just wish that change came with a treat;)