Monday, June 30, 2008
Still Here, Thankfully!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Why blog???
I blog because I like to talk (yes, about myself and my family.) I would like to have uber-intelligent things to share about my life, but right now I don't feel like there's a lot of depth going on over her, so I try to keep it real. I'm not very good about sensoring. In fact, I've called my sister or cousin on a couple posts to find out if it's a bit much to post publicly. Luckily, they've talked me down or everyone would've been treated to a few extra doosies. Here are some of my other thoughts on blogging. The English teacher in me REALLY appreciates the writing outlet, but I don't feel like my blog has to be all creative and grammatically correct. HOWEVER, I have stumbled across some blogs that are really hard to understand because they are poorly written and I have to remind myself NOT to be a blog-snob. Are you a blog snob? I really don't care about how many comments I get, or even if people comment at all, BUT I do get a kick out of seeing how many people have checked my blog each week when sitemeter sends me a report. And when people have those little maps with the red dots on them to show where people live and someone in Africa has found their site, I am a little intrigued. I haven't set out to blog a post that will inspire others. I don't think I have that power and I don't seek that talent. However, I do hope when I share about my life that people will be able to relate. I use my blog as MY outlet. I don't worry about offending people (not that I set out to offend or anything, but it's just that it's MY blog and so I am writing how I feel.) I assume people will want to read about me, but I'm not offended if people don't and just scroll to find a story about how naughty my kids are or whatever.
And what about my reading of blogs? Oh, it's pert-near reality TV on it's fun factor to me. For the people I am kinda friends with, or haven't really been close to for some time, or the complete strangers I have lurked upon, I am enough of a voyeur that I like to look into thier lives. Granted it's usually only the parts they want to share with THE ENTIRE WORLD, and some may present a different reality on their blog than the real deal, but I still get a kick out of it. And reading my close friends' blogs helps me to feel like a better friend because I totally know what's going on with them {Right Moana!?}. Sometimes, when I read peoples' blogs that I know (especially my families' posts), I wonder if they're being passive aggressive and telling me things they can't tell me to my face. Why would I think that? I think I am guilty of a post or two like that. I think I am able to say things to people through my blog that I don't care to say in person. But again, I get to do that on my blog. Another part of my release.
So, why DO you blog or why DON'T you blog. If you do blog, are you a Pollyanna or Debbie Downer? Is it peer pressure? a release? C'mon out of that blog world and fess up. I'm totally curious. And I have my theories, so I am curious if my perception is right. And I was totally lying earlier, I do want some comments.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Snatches of the week
When he is getting confused about where to put his wet diaper. He knows the pee goes into the toilet somehow. *Side note* I don't know if you can click on the picture or zoom it to be bigger, but you can see how "BRIGGS" is printed on all our toilets, center and square.
These next pictures are some of my faves because you can see Briggs' favorite thing to do with Tyler. He loves to look around and Dad is just the right height to lean on, and still look around. He's getting a lot more neck strength and will hang out like this for a while.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lessons from on High
I found this quote this week as I was doing my visiting teaching. Sometimes I find the monthly messages to be trite or so basic that it seems silly to tell the sisters something they obviously already know and understand. However, this month the topic is on the premortal life and I found the above quote especially poignant at this exact moment in my life.
Why, you ask? Well, I believe this quote to be true. And if I believe it, I would really like to remember that day when the Lord taught and prepared me to survive a week with five small kids while my husband was off to Scout Camp. What kind of tips would the Lord have given me? What kind of guidance? Surely it would have been something like, "Sarah, I would exhort you to eat out each night so you won't have to stress about cooking and the clean-up associated with it." OR "Thou shalt arrange your days so your children will have a nap ensuring thou will have the much needed mental break you need so thou wouldst not to want to murder them by the end of the day." OR, maybe it would be just a basic review of the 10 standard commandments,
1.Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
Easy enough . . . but is the TV a God? Cuz I'm thinking of how quickly each morning I ask the boys if they want to watch a movie to occupy themselves?
2. Thou shalt not bow down to any graven image.
Yeah, that's a good reminder since I have literally fantacized about my beloved Coke and how it would REALLY get me through this week if I would just partake of its power.
3. Thou shalt not take the Lords' name in vain.
I will not say that, but can I slide by with a few "$#i&"s or "d@m*"s? I mean c'mon, it's a lot of LONG days with my sweet try-ers-of-my-patience. I'm not saying it's right, but I may slip every now and then, like when the boys dump half the bath water on the floor.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
Hey, no prob since I know that once I make it through sacrament meeting someone else will be responsible for 4 out of 5 of my kids!
5. Honor thy mother and father.
I bet this advice was so I could focus on the fact that my mom has survived having 5 kids and she had her fair share of long days while my dad worked multiple jobs or was going to school. It was a lesson, for me, that must have stuck well with me, but bounces right off my kids as I plead for them to be more obedient this week!
6. Thou shalt not kill.
K. Got it. Keep reminding myself of it. Haven't forgotten it . . . yet.
7. No adultery.
Seriously? Who would have me this week? Showering is a treat, make-up's a luxery and how hot is it to have an overweight nursing mom of five as your liason lover? I'm definitely not in the market as I realize every day how much more I love Tyler and how much he contributes to our family, but also, who'd have me and my entourage?
8. Thou shalt not steal.
Cat naps, extra sleep, or alone time. CHECK!
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
I would not lie about how wonderfully energetic my kids are whilst sucking the energy and patience right out of me. I mean, it's kinda amazing, considering how blasted hot it's been this week (today's 108). Ick.
10. Thou shalt not covet.I know this one will be a challenge since I know Tyler's nights are uninterrupted ones (hopefully) and he's been diaper-duty free for a week. BUT, he has also been missing us and has missed some good times this week, like pool time with the kids, Beauty and the Beast last night with the girls (at Spring Mountain Ranch), and the Camp Rock party we're throwing tonight. [See, I'm trying to focus on the positive!]
Anyhow, I know I'll survive and I do believe I was prepared to face the trials and challenges and super-spunky kids I am raising. After all, we're not given more than we can handle. AND, if we try our best, I believe, we're blessed. THAT is why Tyler texted last night that he'll be home late tonight instead of tomorrow afternoon. Halle-freakin'-lu-jah!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Oh Blessed Day
Oh yeah Baby! Can you believe how good that all turned out?! Now I know that's not SUCH a big deal to some of you, but it's my thing. I noticed a few years ago that I was constantly looking for a theme in what all of us were wearing. And Sundays were THE worst (or best) opportunity to all look our best and to match. It started small with the girls wearing matching colors or outfits and then I'd pull something out of my closet that matched. Once the boys came along it was a matter of picking the right color shirt (no biggie, right?) But when I was packing for our last Disneyland trip and ended up telling Tyler what colors he should pack for the week, I knew it was an issue. And it's not just colors. If we're not matching color-wise I will notice little things like, "Oh good, we're all wearing jeans" or "Everyone has a collared shirt." I know. It's wierd. And in the big scheme of things it's not important, but I do it unconsciously now. UNLESS it's an "occasion" like Briggs' blessing. So, Caylee and I hit up Kohls for new dresses for the girls, grabbed a couple shirts for the boys, a tie for Tyler, and a shirt for me (WHICH, upon looking at the pictures I have determined was NOT a good buy since my ba-zoobs look even more jumanji in the "shimmery" material. But hey! It matched.)
The kids have all been so great with Briggs from day one. They're all very patient with the time it takes away from their attention and they've been very willing to help. The only problem we've found is they argue over who gets to hold him. (Caylee won on his blessing day.)
We've played the "who does Briggs look like?" game and I think he looks more like his dad at this point. Really, he still looks like a little old man, but he's getting smushier as he chubs out.
Here's shots of Briggs' with the other kids.
I really debated about who all to invite to Briggs' blessing. In the past we've let our extended family know and invited friends from out of town, etc. but this year I wasn't really feeling up to having SO many people. Afterward we were having everyone over for lunch and I didn't know how much I could handle with little kids, people, chaos, noise, etc. AND it was a good thing I was a little cautious because I was totally sick the day of Briggs' blessing. The night before I awoke a couple times feeling all sick to my stomach, but I thought it was nerves. Oh no, by the time I woke up on Sunday I totally puked! UGH. I couldn't believe it. And then I felt like I'd been hit by a mack truck so getting everyone to church on time was really hard. I guess it even made the bishop nervous that we didn't breeze in until five minutes before church started. By the time the lunch was over after church I had to go take a nap before everyone even left; you know I was tired if I missed out on conversation.
I do want to say (again) that I do love my family. All of them. In-laws, out-laws, etc. (Missed you Lane, Amy & co. and Uncle/Elder Mike!) Here's some action shots at lunch.
Right after church I took some pictures of Briggs on the baby afghan my mom made for Briggs. He's wearing a blessing suit that Grandma Dodie made for our boys. I had framed that sucker in a shadow box frame after we had Brevin and we got to pull it out for use one more time :) on Sunday morning. We'll do pictures of Briggs in it and then re-frame it for the last time (SERIOUS!)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Boom chicka wow wow
6 weeks have passed since Briggs' birth.
Oh Joy. For Tyler.
(Yes, that's a haiku.)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Charleston Campout 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance?!
So, picture #1 is of my girls that I took with Mindie's camera. You can't really tell how COOL Kenzie's hair was on night #1, but it was really pretty cool if I say so myself. It's always a ba-dillion degrees at their recitals since it's at the outdoor pavilion, so I try to put the girls' hair up in some sort of a do. But after 6 years with Mackenzie I'm lookin for new ways to make it look cool. Anyway, I might be biased, but I thought this was a great photo of my beauties.
Anyway, the shows (Yeah, that would be two nights of 30+ dances each night) were a success and it does my heart proud to see my girls, too, were born to dance!