Sunday, June 7, 2009

Birthday Celebrations

I have been so bad about updating my blog . . . I know, right!? When I looked through at what blogs I could print out to send to my brother I realized I hadn't really blogged too much in the entire month of May. Well, most of it anyway. I'm so impressed with those who can post daily, or even daily-ish. Tyler even just said, "Do you even blog anymore?" Facebook is just so much more instant and I feel like I can still get my voyeuristic thrills on all y'all.
BUT since this is also our little family record that I print and binder for all posterity I thought I'd note that 3/5 of my kids had birthdays some time within the past 6 weeks. First, Briggs turned one. I did write about how he had grown over the year, but here's some pictures of his party we had a week or so after his actual birthday (sorry, Briggs, but when you're the 5th kid, your brother's t-ball game trumps a birthday party with the family on your actual big day. I'm so glad you survived the trauma, though!) I was surprised when we had all the family over from both sides that there were SO MANY PEOPLE! Poor Tyler was stuck on the grill for quite a bit while we all enjoyed his skillz. The cousins ran around like madmen/women and then we finished off an entire sheet cake from Sam's . . . and those things are huge (okay, it was a half sheet, but still, it was big.) It took Briggs a while to really dig into his cake, but then he messed himself up pretty well. I'd have to say his favorite gift was the dum dum suckers from the Mohlers . . . pretty much made his night.

Then Caylee turned 7. And wouldn't you know it, all her tantrums and fits magically quit. Oh, wait, that was my wish when she blew out her candles .. . since it wasn't my birthday it must not have come true. Dang. My girls were all set with their birthday plans as soon as April hit since the rule is no party-planning/discussing until the month previous to the actual birthday. (Seriously, am I the only mom who goes crazy with the ba-dillion plans that are made and remade and remade throughout the year?) The girls BOTH wanted a Hawaiian luau swim party and they BOTH wanted it right by their birthdays so they got a joint birthday party. It took some persuading for Mackenzie to get on board (I mean, I really ruined her cool by making her have her party with her kid sister), but by party time they were both excited. They had lots of friends and thanks to the YW fundraiser for our ward they scored pizza to eat. We had a pinata and they even both invited boys (who weren't cousins) to their party . . . is that a milestone? I dunno. At one point there were 27 kids in the pool. Yikes, right?! Everyone was still alive when their parents got there so the party was a complete success . . .oh and the girls LOVED their goodies from their friends, so they were thought it was a smash too.

Since the girls' party was after their actual birthdays, Mom and Dad gave our gifts on their actual birthday. Caylee got a much needed bike and much asked-for underwear (no, I didn't get that backwards. The silly girl REALLY wanted new panties.) Kenzie got an ipod charger and bras. (yes, that will completely embarrass her that I "recorded" that for posterity . . . and for the internet.)
I probably don't say enough how grateful I am for my kids. It IS a little tricky to fit that in in between all my complaining, griping, and eye-rolling that my motherhood job does. BUT I love my kids. They are, simply, wonderful and I DO like them. (I really am not convincing myself; I really do organically feel that!) Mackenzie and I have some great laughs and I can't believe what a little woman she is becoming. Part of her birthday gift is a scrapbook of the past 10 years with her and it's been pretty great for me to reminisce about how she's impacted my life. And Caylee is really all heart. She's my most dedicated fan and my biggest challenge, but I'm thankful for her example and love EVERY day. Her personality has been entertaining and I look forward to watching her continue to come into her own. And Briggs, well, he's ma heart! I can't squeeze him enough. The past year has gone so fast and I'm sure this one will too. Before I know it they'll be 11, 8, and 2 . . . Wild!


Beth said...

Yep, it's hard to believe how they're all growing up. They'll be married before we know it!

Nan said...

Happy Birthday to all of your kiddos! I love you!!!