Thursday, December 27, 2007

Where has all the magic gone?

Christmas was fabulous and today I am suffering the post-Christmas let-down. I've spent the day finishing putting away all the gads and scores of Christmas gifts that Santa and the family gave us. Yesterday I asked Tyler to only work half day so we could take the kids out to lunch and to a movie. We ended up scrapping the movie after the kids had breakdowns at Jason's Deli. (Well, I took Brevin because he held it together.) Today it only got better, er worse, depending on how you look at it. I was busy all morning putting the stuff away when Stacy called and said we were gonna do lunch at Erin's. I'm thinking, "Great; a playdate with the cousins; lunch; how can this go wrong?" Uh, that would happen when I had the audacity to have Caylee get dressed. Since I was doing laundry the ONE shirt that she wanted to wear was unavailable and she started whining and crying and moaning and throwing herself on the floor. I was trying to keep it all together and finally asked her if she was really so unhappy if she wanted a new family. Her answer? "I just want a new mom; a nice mom." Nice. EXCUSE ME for finding you a shirt that you could wear AND for washing the dirty one you want to wear AND for being patient with your five minute baby tantrum AND for still being willing to take you to play with your cousins. Well, the final straw that broke the camel's back was the slide-off-the-couch-onto-the-floor-and-thrash-about-like-you're-a-toddler tantrum. I pretty much lost it, Christmas magic GONE. I flew off the couch, spanked her fanny twice and pulled her to her feet. I looked her square in the face and told her it was COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE and marched her to the front door. I opened it and sent her outside. I told her if she was THAT unhappy in our family maybe she should go look for another family. Pretty much NOT my proudest mom moment, and luckily she didn't go anywhere. Kenzie got a little nervous and went outside to comfort Caylee and they both came in after a bit. I didn't know what else to do, but I was fairly certain my head was going to pop off my shoulders if I had to listen to one more minute of "Waaaa." Once she came back in we had a talk where I reminded her HOW much I loved her, how I wanted her in our family, and how I need her to use her really good mind to make better choices about her behavior. This is what she said through her tears, "I just really wish we had a bigger house so I could have more toys." WHAT?!?!?!? We have issues.


chris jenkins said...

i am sorry to hear about the trial of a day with caylee. not the fun part of being a mom. i've been there. if i could, i would have given you a big hug through the phone today. i think though all the good moments with our kids far outweigh the bad ones. at least we hope. right?


Jerolyn said...
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Jerolyn said...

We used to threaten Katie with having to sleep in the garage by herself when she would throw bedtime tantrums. Now she barely wants anything to do with us so see you did the right thing it totally worked out for US!!!

ps. that deleted comment was from me~I should spell check before sending!

Beth said...

A co-worker of mine actually DID put her step-daughter's bed in the garage (and made her sleep there for a few days) because she had "issues" with keeping her room clean. Not that that has anything to do with Caylee. Hang in there. You're a GOOD mom. I think kids suffer from the "let down" too, but just don't recognize it for what it is. Don't worry, it will work out.

Rick/Dad/Grandpa/Mr. D said...

Ahhhhhh, the tantrum days! It does get better (eventually). And through it all, you just love 'em anyway (even though sometimes it's kinda hard).

Beth said...

I totally missed your Merrry Christmas Post. I went straigt from Remiss to Magic Gone. Great pics. Yes, the shot of Brock going into see Santa drop off was priceless, as was the girls and their reaction to the Hannah Montana tickets. Memories...

Jamie G. said...

Man, you should have seen my daughter! My two older ones were warned fair & square that their trip to China in Feb. was their Christmas. The weeks leading up to Christmas were filled with lots of "I wants" and "Why can't I have!" UGH! I sure hope it gets better like everyone says!

Jamie G. said...

OH...and a pat on the back to your Hubby for the Hannah Montana tickets! That's awesome!!

Kourtney said...

Yeah, Bradley told me he wished he had another mom one time. That's when he REALLY wished he had another mom because I lost it!!! It's a good thing our kids are so cute the majority of the time, or we'd all need to be medicated!!! Don't feel bad either, we've all been there.

Erin said...

Whatever...I say you're a nice mom since you didn't actually LOCK the door after you kicked her bootie out! At least you let her back in.

Tyler said...

She was only on the front porch. You did let her back in. At least you didn't kick her out of the car and make her walk a 1/2 mile as you drove over the horizon and out of sight. True story. Happened to someone I know, and was confirmed by the parents. Oh, wait, did I just give you your next idea?