Friday, June 8, 2007

Do you ever . . .

. . . laugh when you hear or read the word Uranus? I can't help myself. Brock was watching his Baby Einstein "Galileo" video this afternoon, and, like many times before and many times to come, I totally crack up when the narrator announces "Uranus." I can't help myself. The video goes through all the planets and I hardly key in to what picture or video or music is playing until I hear (and somehow it's louder on the video, I think) the one word pronouncement for the next segment, "URANUS." It's funny. Maybe you laughed too, just by reading the word.


Erin said...

I told Kevin about this post, and today Seth was watching Baby Galileo (about 4 times in a row), and every time they said 'Uranus' Kevin laughed out loud & said, "I really do think they say that one louder." It really is too bad that Uranus is a word kids have to learn in school & be expected to keep a straight face. They can't just giggle when they hear it like us adults do...

Ryan said...

Thank you for bringing this up!
And it is insulting when it is pronounced Ur-a-nis, WIMPS! Just say it, say it loud and proud!