Friday, June 15, 2007

It's a good week when

1) I added three more blogger friends to my (already long) list. Shout out to Tiffany, and my cousins Tyler and Kourtney. I will be linking them all soon so you can lurk and view them and their cute families. They're helping my addictions. Bless 'em.

2) I didn't get picked for a trial at jury duty. Yes, I know it's an honor to serve my country, but one babysitter for the 6 hours I was "honored" to read a book cost me more than it was worth. However I did get past the two hundred hard pages of the novel my sister hand-me-downed, so supposedly I am getting to the good part. And the lady who was running the jury room SERIOUSLY was Mrs. McKlusky from Desperate Housewives, I swear. She had the same kind of attitude and looked just like her.

3) I bamboozled a date night with my husband even though we're going out tomorrow, too. In my defense I had intentions of staying in tonight, I even have groceries to feed us (unlike other weeks when I purposely don't have much to make dinner with so we HAVE to go out), but really hanging out with Derrick and Sherry sounded WAY better than what I had planned for dinner. What's a girl to do? I think we're gonna try the restaurant where my brother works.

4) scrapbook paper is 50% off at a local store and I was able to score for the RS project and baby shower invites. And perhaps a few pieces of paper I might be able to put to good use if/when I finally scrapbook again.

5) my brother and his sweet wife take their wonderful daughter to the temple tomorrow. So excited. And Stacy's great family is in town. I really like all of them, so I am excited for them that they are hanging out with fun people.

6) so you think you can dance is finally at the competition part AND a new Top Chef started. I also cleared my entire DVR and have been getting more accomplished than ever since I am not trying to squeeze all my recorded stuff in. It was kinda liberating. Is that sad?

7) my uber-talented, uber-industrious girlfriend Angela finished re-finishing my dining table. I'll post pics when we get it back with the new chairs that Tyler doesn't know we're going to be buying.

8) my favorite hair stylist Leisl is doing my hair tomorrow morning. Woo hoo, bye-bye roots.

9) we have been able to swim every day since the weather has been prime get in the pool weather.

10) i had dinner with two of my favorite students EVER. They educate me more now than I ever did them.


Erin said...

I'm SOOOOO jealous of your date night. And we're seeing Liesl tomorrow too. I really do think you're bummed about not being picked for jury duty...think about it...all those days not listening to your kids scream & cry & whine & fight? Doesn't it sound like bliss?

Kourtney said...

It sounds like you did have a great week. I actually got a paper about jury duty, but haven't done anything about it. I can't do it. Breastfeeding is my excuse.
By the way you need to tell me how to have the links on my page. I hope it's not complicated because then I'll be in trouble!

chris jenkins said...

ok. i'm jealous.

i'm jealous b/c

1. people bother to comment on your blog to show they care. your family comments - they love you. no one ever bothers to comment on mine.

2. 2 date nights in a row - i wish.

3. you have time to read more blogs - i wish.

4. angela did your table. i need her to do mine. heck my whole house needs to a re-do.

5. you're getting your hair done - i can't even tell you when the last time i ever got mine done - i wish.

6. you have a pool - i wish.

7. you had dinner with other people - i wish.

and there are a lot of other things i wish. you are so blessed!
(i apologize for my bad 'tude - i am been having a whole 'bout of life is so not fair lately)

congrats to Nate and Stacy on going to the temple - that is so awesome!

Jana said...

I so loved going to jury I went while I had salomanela (don't know how to spell that) poisining. I was up the night before going from both ends and didn't dare eat. You can't get oout of it unless you talk to a judge so I sat there for 7 hrs. Isn't that lady a crack up. Are you referring to the lady with the short or long hair? The older short hair lady is soooo sooooo you know. I wanted to tell her she needed to be nice. Maybe she needs a therapist.

annilee said...

Date night, whats that? And hey just so ya know, we will be at your Birthday bash!

Tyler said...

Jury duty does suck. At least me and Kourt starting a blog ranked #1!!!!! Props to me and Kourt!!!!

annilee said...

Hey just wonderin if you are still alive? Sad when blogs are what I look forward to every day! I'm waiting for your montage!