Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fo real!

I sat down to write a blog post since I haven't written in, well, a long time. As soon as I sat down I hear Caylee hollaring that Brock is bleeding from his mouth, I can hear him crying, and the phone rings LITERALLY all at the same time. (Apparantly Brock had jumped face first off the toy room couch onto the wooden dollhouse that was tipped over on the messy floor.) It seems like this is pretty much par for the course the past week or so, so I haven't even read anyone else's blog or my own email very much. I am not sure what to "blame" it on, because it's always a combination of things "to do." Fo real!

Pregnancy rant (skip this paragraph if you're already tired of listening/reading about it): The last couple of weeks I started to feel gross. And by gross I mean nauseated and really tired and irritable. I also contracted some random cough/cold thing which is oh-so great when I already have a sensitive gag reflex. I started heaving when I brush my teeth a few days ago and my sniffer is so sensitive I can't even stand the smell of the lotion I always use. It is especially great when Brock fills his diaper or Caylee sprays "Sweet Pea" body spray all over the house. At first I was thinking it would be a night thing and I could avoid it if I went to bed early, but the past couple of days it has been right after I eat breakfast and throughout the entire day. AND I HATE IT! I honestly don't know why people say pregnant women "glow" unless they are speaking about the greenish-radioactive kind of glow. I am just really tired, too, so a lot of my "blog time" has gone by the wayside as I end up in bed by 10:30pm (that's early for me!) I am biding my time trying to focus on a happier place where my stomach will be more content and I'll have more energy. I don't go to the doctor until October 19th and I have GOT to go get some pre-natal pills to at least try so I don't get my butt chewed at the visit. It seems a little silly, though, 7 weeks into it to be taking "pre-" vitamins. And so y'all don't think I am totally ungrateful, I am excited to think about the spring when the baby gets here and I can be tired for a better reason. I had a dream this morning that I was having twins and was freaking out because we had to sell our house. Can you imagine? I mean, some of you can, but fo real I would freak!

What else has occupied my time? I sent our reimbursement/complaint letters to the airlines to see if we can get some $$ back - FINALLY. I have been working on them forever and finally got them sent off. And the dance festival for our stake youth is coming a long nicely. I am excited for the priests/laurels dance that I've been supervising/helping with. Tyler's mom is SO great to be the costume expert, so we've been discussing/shopping/cutting patterns, etc. for that. I finished up the choreography this week and I am excited for our practice this Friday morning to put it all together. And we had the big 'ol family campout last weekend at Mt. Charleston. I am so probably the last person to blog about it, and this hardly counts as I have pictures and more commentary to give on the butt-freezing/heart-warming event. So, in addition to school, pre-school, 2 dance classes, soccer, mutual, Tyler's band and dutch oven addictions . . . ya know LIFE, I have fo real slipped on the blog scale. Such is my life these days.

Before I go change for mutual tonight, I want to send my love to my friend Jenn. {I hope you are getting a chance to escape into blog world every now and then, so you can know how my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I can't imagine the pressures and emotions you are experiencing these days, but I am confident you will have a deeper appreciation of all those things you hold dear, that you will be a source of strength to those around you, and you will be a stonger woman than you already are. I love ya to bits (and Marc and the girls!) FO REAL!}


Beth said...

Good post. Real. I like real. Hang in there.

Jamie G. said...

I know how you feel about taking pre-natals. I was always so sick that I couldn't even think about, let alone try to swallow them. My doc finally told me "in secret" that if I couldn't get them down, it wouldn't be the end of the world. He also told me I could take chewable Flintstone ones. I hope the "sick" part of your pregnancy doesn't last too long. Hope you get feeling better!

Stac said...

Oh I almost gagged when I read about the sweat pea spray. I am really sorry. I hope you start to feel better soon. Let me know if I can do anything for you. I can take the kids so you can have a nap or something. Just call. Love you.

The RealFatman said...

Hey Sarah I hope your feeling better soon. I think it sucks that you feel shitty. Anyway If you need me to take the kids too just let me know and give me some advanced notice so i can make sure that I have my mom over LOL

Jerolyn said...

Pukey is the worst! brush your teeth, throw up, re-brush your teeth, and so on and so on...

The Hulls said...

Oh, I remember the feeling. Yes now being tired for a different reason is much better. Thanks for takin my boys today, they seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Packing, packing, packing, sooo much fun;p Hope you feel better!